Immunotheraphy - A possible Cure to Food Allergies!
Link to => CBC Article/ Interview titled "Apple a day keeps allergy doctors busy!"

So what exactly is immunotherapy?
Is there really a cure? The short answer is “yes”. The long answer is yes, but you must go through a long and difficult process. It’s a long term solution that depending on the severity of your allergies can take from 1-4 years or more.

My experience of immunotherapy is this:
Immunotherapy can be done in a few different ways:
1)       Weekly
2)       4 times per year
3)       Horse Injection (1 shot per year)

Weekly shots can be done for environmental allergies, but for food allergies I would recommend pollenex – R shots. This is simply from my personal experience.

Pollenex R – was recommended by my allergy consultant as he said the root of all food allergies was the fact that I was allergic to North American pollen.

Injecting small amounts into the body on a weekly basis, week by week for one month is what we call immunotherapy. You won’t see the results of the immunotherapy until at least 4 -6 months after taking them, but you will see a difference!
The process itself if tiring, as you can experience any and all symptoms that you would normally experience. For more people it’s just the swelling of the arm, some hay fever like symptoms and just the feeling of being lethargic.
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