
Interested in Helping Out?

"New Look at Food" is always looking for volunteers.

Are you interested raising awareness of food allergies to the broader community?

Want to reach out to other allergy sufferers?

There are plenty of ways you can help. Here are few ways you can "get involved" today!

1) Stay Informed:
Join our Facebook group
Join our mailing list today!

2) Express Yourself - Visit our Speakers' Corner page.

3) Submit a Recipe and share tips and tricks with others.

4) Make a Donation to Anaphylaxis Canada.

5) Run a 3rd party Fundraiser for Anaphylaxis Research.
Picture taken from the "Denverpost.com".

If you are suffering from Food Allergies, you know how valuable research can be.  Every dollar counts, when it means the difference between eating your favourite food or not.

Anaphylaxis Canada is a great organization research on food allergies and Anaphylaxis.

Please donate generously.

Copyright ©2009 Food 4 Thought; a project of www.farheenkhan.ca. All rights reserved.